Drug and Alcohol Awareness in the Workplace

The course is designed for all levels of employees.  In this course you will learn how the abuse of drugs and alcohol influences everyone in the workplace – not just the addicted and casual user and what is the most abused drug in the workplace and how it can be combatted.  You will be trained on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug/alcohol abuse and addiction and understand the progression of the disease.  Attendees will be informed how meth abuse in Missouri affects the public and what the techniques are for coping with meth addicts, and meth labs and/or wastes as it has become more and more prevalent along roadsides and in public parks.  You will learn the warning signs of opioid abuse and how it has become an epidemic in Missouri, and understand how to protect yourself (yes you, there are new users and abusers each day) from becoming the newest opioid addict.

Credit Hours

Road Scholar Credits

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