The mission of the Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program is to foster a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation system by improving skills and knowledge of local transportation providers through training, technical assistance and technology transfer.
What is LTAP?
The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) technology transfer program that provides technical assistance and training to local transportation departments across the nation. Funding is allocated in the Transportation Bill. Established in 1981 as the Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP), it is the primary way that FHWA helps local transportation agencies learn about maintaining and improving their roads, innovative methods and materials and ways to work smarter.
LTAP strives to bridge the gap between research and practice by conducting training sessions and demonstrations and by serving as a clearinghouse for information related to state-of-the-art technology in the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges.
Currently, there are 52 centers — one LTAP in each State including Puerto Rico and one National Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP). The national program is managed by FHWA’s Center for Local Aid Support under the Office of Innovative Program Delivery. LTAP is a partnership effort with funding provided by Federal, State, and local agency resources as well as universities and the private sector.
LTAP is a success story! Each year the centers put on training in areas relevant to the needs of their state and clientele. Each center has the flexibility to set its own criteria for programs, workshops, newsletters, etc. which is the reason for its success.
Missouri LTAP
The Missouri Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is located at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) and operates on funding provided by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Missouri LTAP at Missouri S&T has developed partnerships and processes that deliver the highest-quality training and technology transfer to local agencies throughout the state. Missouri LTAP is recognized throughout the state for its training, resources and programs that it provides to local agencies. These agencies include county road and bridge departments, city public works departments and various other local agencies tasked with constructing and maintaining infrastructure. The Missouri LTAP program has continued to experience remarkable growth in the number of agencies served, the number of classes conducted, and the variety of training classes offered. Missouri LTAP’s goal is to continue to reach a much broader audience. Its dedicated staff works hard to ensure its continued success and growth.
The MO-LTAP center enables local counties, townships, cities and towns to improve their roads and bridges by supplying them with:
Through these core services, MO-LTAP provides access to training and information that may not otherwise be accessible. MO-LTAP provides local road departments with: