How to Become a Collaborative Problem Solver for Road Safety!

Developed to enable anyone involved in highway safety or planning to participate as a team member in a Road Safety Audit or Assessment (RSA). This course provides a basic knowledge of roadway environments and the steps necessary to complete an RSA and collaborate with a project owner to enhance highway safety.

Despite improvements in the fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (MVMT) in the last fifteen years, over 43,000 people are killed each year in vehicle crashes on our nation’s roads. Studies in Europe, Australia and spot studies in the United States show RSAs are an effective tool to identify areas and make suggestions for improvements that can result in fewer crashes.

The course provides techniques and strategies for conducting and presenting RSAs, specifically designed for those individuals directly involved in the identification and implementation of road safety solutions. The course focuses heavily on process, analysis, and the collaboration necessary to both identify road safety issues in diverse geographical areas and present solutions to roadway project designers and owners.

Credit Hours

Road Scholar Credits

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