Missouri Asphalt Conference

Date: 12/3/2024 7:30 AM - 12/4/2024 12:00 PM

Location: Diamond Event Center
1325 S. Bishop Ave, Suite B

Rolla, Missouri





The 65th Annual Missouri Asphalt Conference will be held Tuesday, December 3, and Wednesday, December 4, at the Diamond Event Center in Rolla, Missouri. The conference will include over 20 presentations with timely topics covering a wide spectrum of activities and trends in the industry. The speakers, including nationally recognized professionals, are experts in many roles.

**Please note when registering, you will be able to register a group as attendees, however, if you are sponsoring or exhibiting and your registration is included, you must note who will be the registered attendee(s) when registering. There will be a box provided through that registration for these names. You will then be emailed a special code to register your free registration.

First Name Agency
MagdyMissouri S&T
MazinMoDOT, St. Louis Area
BrandonAGC Missouri
DanielMoDOT, St. Louis Area
AndyEmery Sapp & Sons Inc. - Columbia
BrandiMoDOT, Central
J.D.US Army
MalihehMoDOT, St. Louis Area
RickMissouri Asphalt Pavement Association
JasonMoDOT - Jefferson City
JohnErlen Group
BrandonMoDOT, St. Louis Area
TyBlevins Aphalt Construction Company Inc.
GrantSuperior Bowen
JamesHG Consult, Inc.-Missouri
ShawnVance Bros, LLC
CorbinMoDOT - Southeast
JasonCity of Waynesville
NathanByrne & Jones Construction
JustinSuperior Bowen
JamalCity of Kirkwood
DougCity of St. Charles Public Works Department
DanCMW Equipment
TedSt. Charles County Highway Department
JonathanMoDOT - Springfield
AllenCape Girardeau County Highway Department
BrettByrne & Jones Construction
JoseSuperior Bowen
NathanCity of Rolla Public Works Department
NanditaUniversity of Missouri - Columbia
DavidCity of St. Charles Public Works Department
City ofCity of Glenaire
GarryMoDOT, St. Louis Area
JacobMoDOT - Jefferson City
JohnCMW Equipment
LoriMoDOT, Central
MattChristensen Construction
RyanCity of Belton
JosephMissouri Engineering Company
GarrettMoDOT - Clinton
HowardCape Girardeau County Highway Department
LindseyBioSpan Technologies
RichardCity of Kirkwood
AHMEDUniversity of Missouri - Columbia
SteveNB West Contracting
JakeMoDOT, St. Louis Area
William (Willie)MoDOT, Central
DustinCity of Waynesville
MichaelBlevins Aphalt Construction Company Inc.
CodyErlen Group
DonnieCity of Centralia
GidgetMoDOT, General Headquarters
EricMoDOT, St. Louis Area
ScottBridgefield Asphalt
JoshEngineering Surveys and Services - Columbia
HelmutUniversity of Missouri - Columbia
RobVance Bros, LLC
JoeWinter Brothers Material Company
NickCity of Kirksville
DaveNew Frontier Materials
LukePugsley Services
TaylorMoDOT, Central
MattMark 2 Transfer Station
GregNew Frontier Materials
HamzaMoDOT, St. Louis Area
LeeCMW Equipment
ChadCoastal Energy Corporation
BroderickCity of Rolla Public Works Department
AnnelieseUniversity of Missouri - Columbia
AvniCertainTeed LLC
JacobCapital Material
BuzzAsphalt Pavement Alliance
ShaneBlevins Aphalt Construction Company Inc.
NewellMoDOT, Kansas City
NickNew Frontier Materials
MannyAPAC -Springfield
JakeCMW Equipment
TomMoDOT, St. Louis Area
StevenSite Development Engineering, Inc
LoganCorrective Asphalt Materials
RobertErlen Group
MarcCape Girardeau County Highway Department
JosephNB West Contracting
BrianCoastal Energy Corporation
MarkCochran Engineering - Wentzville
RoyMoDOT, St. Louis Area
BarrySpirit Asphalt, Inc.
DavidCoastal Energy Corporation
JustinBlevins Aphalt Construction Company Inc.
LlansMoDOT, Central
StephenCity of Kirksville
BrettMoDOT, General Headquarters
DaveCMW Equipment
SpencerCity of Rolla Public Works Department
JonathanMoDOT, Central
Kaupena (K.J.)MoDOT, General Headquarters
SteveAPAC -Springfield
BrandonMoDOT - Jefferson City
JCSimpson Materials Company
JosiahHG Consult, Inc.-Missouri
RandallResidential Structural Survey
TerryErlen Group
BRENTIndian Creek Materials
DaleMissouri Asphalt Pavement Association
DavidSuperior Bowen
VictoriaMissouri Asphalt Pavement Association
DerecCMW Equipment
NeilCapital Material