Work Zone Safety and Flagger Training

Date: 2/5/2025 8:00 AM - 2/5/2025 12:00 PM

Location: Mount Branson Shop
1377 E. St. Hwy 76

Branson, Missouri




This course explains work zone operations and outlines the roles and responsibilities of workers tasked with flagging operations. Attendees will learn when, where, and how to set up work zones as set forth in the MUTCD. The course covers proper hand signals, approved apparel to be worn, equipment to be used, and the best locations for flaggers to be stationed. Attendees will learn how to direct and move traffic through various construction and maintenance sites. Attendees will also learn to set up proper traffic control in various situations that may be encountered during construction and maintenance of urban and rural roadways, streets, and highways.

Scholars Program - Level 1 - Core Course - 4 Hrs.


First Name Agency
PhillipTaney County Road and Bridge Department
KristiMissouri LTAP
JamesTaney County Road and Bridge Department
AndyTaney County Road and Bridge Department
davidCity of Branson Engineering Department
EastonTaney County Road and Bridge Department
ChanceTaney County Road and Bridge Department
RonnyTaney County Road and Bridge Department
JasonCity of Nixa
JosephCity of Nixa
JavierCity of Nixa
AllenCity of Branson Engineering Department
JaxonCity of Branson Public Works Department
ScottTaney County Road and Bridge Department
JamesTaney County Road and Bridge Department
RadfordTaney County Road and Bridge Department
RobertCity of Nixa
RoscoeTaney County Road and Bridge Department
BradleyTaney County Road and Bridge Department
LeviTaney County Road and Bridge Department
BrentCity of Nixa
JustinTaney County Road and Bridge Department

Linda Webb

Training & Beyond, LLC